
Thanks Kate! I wish I told her it gets better...or at least until they're teenagers.

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Write what you got, right? I wish I could find her, too. I hope she went home, closed her bedroom door and just tried to forget...but her baby probably was up so there's that. Anyway I'd give her another hug. I hear it's gone from midnight black to a nice sunset purple but it's behind me so I don't look! I'll check out Albala.I'm ashamed I never heard of him.

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You are the BEST! I have it up on my phone and laughing so much IU'm forgetting my butt. Thank you!

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Ouch ~ that sounds like quite a run-in, Pat. I hope you're mending well. I have something that will take your mind off the pain, an instagram account that features all sorts of jiggly jellies made in antique molds: https://www.instagram.com/adventuresinjelly/

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Oh Pat! It could have been so much worse. I’m hoping you’re not limping too much now. And yes, haven’t we all had times like this as moms..and breathing with her was so kind.

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Pat, what a wonderful story. I do so wish you could trace down that young mother and see what happened to her the rest of that momentous day. And are you fully back in shape at this point? And do you know the gelatin work of pre-eminent food scholar Ken Albala? He would love your story--I might just share it with him.

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Oh, Pat--so sadly funny! A reminder that danger lurks everywhere. My aunt, in her 70s, was rammed by a hugely overweight lady driving a shopping cart. Aunt Mildred was struggling to her feet when the lady backed up and rammed her again. Four broken ribs, much pain and suffering, and legal issues to resolve. Glad you survived to conjure up that Strawberry Snow--and to tell us all about it!

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Oh no! That's so awful about your aunt! It's a good lesson in you never know. I think the poor mother felt worse than me. Though probably not as physically wrecked. I'm so glad you enjoyed the telling. That means a lot to my butt! Happy holiday to your family!

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Ah, thanks Jolene. I'm in my everything is fine! mode and I have four packs of Knox to help. Ther mold is a beautiful thing.

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This made me tear up, too 😢 Pat! Hope you’re doing ok/better, the gelatin molds are really something!

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