In one of her books—I think it might be An Omelette and a Glass of Wine, there is a simple drawing of ED’s ideal kitchen. I’ve lusted after it for years. Especially the chaise….

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wouldn't a chaise be lovely? Improve my cooking, for sure

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I think she had it in case of too much vermouth with lunch.

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Thanks for more David, Pat. As I dive into the messy first draft of my current writing project, I’ve been scribbling about all the kitchens I’ve cooked in and now you’ve given me more ideas! Thanks, I think 🥴

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Congratulations! Messy is good and it's a great subject. Let me know how it goes!

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What a lovely kitchen. Very functional.

My kitchen, which I love, may not be a dream to anyone, but it's a functional one for me. Countertops are filled with well used equipment and utensils that are easy to reach.

However, I sometimes find myself spinning like a top going from the fridge to the cooker and then to the sink. All in the name of having major equipment within the shape of a triangle space and in easy reach.

The biggest asset that it has is a huge window looking out onto our garden. The downside to that is the kitchen window faces due West, and in high summer, it can sometimes be unbearable to either bake or cook.

On the plus side, bread dough rises very quickly. Silver linings :-)

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Sounds like a damn great kitchen, Lynn! Given that it has the additional blessing of the sun shining through the window to proof bread, I can't think of anything more a cook would need!

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I love the little stove. The kitchen looks perfectly functional and cozy to me. I could use more cupboard space!

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The last time I had to buy a stove all I wanted was a 4 burner and not that damn grill in the middle. Sales people looked at me like I was crazy, telling me how wonderful and useful people found it. I think I used the grill once. David's would give me more counter space which I sorely need! Cupboards, too. But I bet you have a very functional, cozy kitchen, too.

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I like the part about visual interest. My perfect (serviceable and pleasant) kitchen has a window at the sink, enough shelf space for glasses, plates and cutlery, storage for staples of the pantry plus gadgets and machines. A butlers pantry is a luxury and used to be part of old houses. I had one in our old federalist colonial. (We turned it into a powder room) but if you entertain it is a dream to have!

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What a wonderful kitchen! And I'm pea green over the butlers pantry. And the window. I have a door with a full length window but it's at the end of my galley kitchen in something of a hallway. At least I can glance over to it but not cook before it. My one big desire!

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Lovely, Pat!

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What lovely pieces to read this morning… yours and David’s…about “Liza’s” kitchen. MUCH larger than mine, it looks like a dream to me.

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Thank you...I've given up hope of ever having a larger kitchen or an orderly but as David said--and would of yours--it';s like a painters studio

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