I often wish that I had the tradition of attending a Sunday church service, if only for the sense of community. But then again, there is nothing stopping me.

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Yeah, that was a big one I lost when I left--when you're young you don't thibnk about that. Older, though, I'd love it.

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Thank you, Pat for this beautiful and moving recollection of a past long gone but yet alive within you. It reminds me of Joyce’s masterpiece The Dead. So moving. So deeply felt. Nostalgia in its most rich expression. Some years ago, I asked my wife to place in my casket the New Testsment I received on the day of my First Communion. It sits on my bedroom lamp table. Never far out of reach.

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I've been struggling with why I haven't been able to shake my Catholic teachings. Over the years I've been drawn to collected little status and medals--giving my son a St Michael medal before he left for war. What the heck is that all about!? But your praise is much appreciated and way too generous. We need to discuss Saint Gertude!

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Whiskey on the forehead! Seems ☘️

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Oh yeah! Straight up neat too

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The Catholic church certainly has faults but at the same time great beauty and benefit from being associated with it. The images are often gruesome, maybe sometimes also erotic for example as a nearly nude young man twists seductively, barely covered by a little wrap around his hips, while being shot with arrows. Take another look at the artwork and you might sometimes see that element.

A favorite saint for me is Gertrude, saint of cats and rats. Imagine years ago the difficulty of keeping rats out of grain storage. Apparently Gertrude was very good at protecting the grains.

Medical problems are sometimes related to cultural habits or cultural breakdown. Why does aids continue to be such a problem in Africa? Staying zipped is effective and does not cost anything. Same for abstinence. Other countries do not have this problem. China has low rates of STDs. Years have gone by and still Africans cannot or choose not to modify their behavior? Heard recently that sex with a virgin (in Africa) is said to be a cure. There are many tribes and countries across Africa, and possibly different rates of infection among them. At this point, the Africans need to help themselves.

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I wasn't going to get back to you about your comment because what you say about Africa is so hurtful and wrong, uncharitable and, yes, unchristian. But I respect and defend your rights to your belief and expressing them. This is also a good place to respectfully discuss differences. And so to that end, I ask that if I take a long look at christianity and its art, you'll take a deeper look at your very damning beliefs about a whole continent and its people. Maybe we can find common ground.

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My father once worked for USAID so I have been aware of it for a long time.

I shared your remarks with a friend who is from a traditional African tribe. He understood what I was saying. Missionaries came to his village when he was a child, but he did not convert and prefers the old traditions. However, he is well versed in the bible from attending missionary school. He said the boys would sometimes hide a piece of zebra skin in their pants as protection from the beatings.

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