I remember your February's well, your third son coming into the world and the horrible day your dad died. I get it, how it can be depressing. It's always bittersweet. Then again, wandering about you read some pretty wonderful epitaphs, a lot that makes you smile. Someone sent me one with a mother's chirstmas cookie recipe on it!

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Two comments, Pat: 1) I've been told, but never heard it said directly, that the old-timers here in Maine used to refer to "getting over March hill"--if you made it, you were pretty much good to go for the rest o the years; 2) Memorial Day in New England used to be called Decoration Day, and it was the day to take bunches of flowers to the cemetery to decorate the graves of those who had passed. No picnics in the cemetery (we reserved those for backyards or down to the shore) but it was a time for gentle contemplation and recognition, of both the living and the dead.

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I had never heard of this custom. I got an education too!

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Very enjoyable! Got an education!

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Touching and amusing. There is a cemetery in my town where several soldiers and a doctor from the Revolutionary War are buried. Last summer I noticed that it was no longer being maintained. I made a call to my town clerk and our local historian and discovered that the church responsible for maintenance has been low on funds. It is really something that my community should come together and take care of!

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I feel you--there's two nearby graveyards around old Dutch churches from the 17th cenmtury-one has a mass grave of American soldiers from the Battle of Brooklyn in 1776. Volunteers got together to clean them up but COVID really screwed that up. I've been meaning to follow up. You've inspired me to get off my ass and find out how.

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I have picnics "with" my folks when I visit my hometown. Always good to catch up.

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Me, too!

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My mom continues to comment on my wayward activities and my dad still makes me laugh!

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That's a great saying! I really appreciate you sharing it. I know to some this may have been a real downer of a post (more subscribers cancelled with this one than any other) but, while I'm not thrilled about March, I thought it was important to know that there was once a time where we collectively gathered together for such a fine community activity fully of reverence and a little fun. That's something lost to us now.

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Really quite amusing! In our family February is the darkest month, having lost a 19 year old brother years ago in that month, and later a father to a massive heart attack on Valentine's Day! My mom always says people should go in the order that they came...

In any event, when my mom (90) says she dreads February each year as it approaches I remind her that our third son was born in that month. He is (secretly) her favorite, and the mention of his name always brings a smile to her face!

Therapists who advise against visiting the graveyard to avoid depression perhaps would be well served to read the story you've shared. Thank you!

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