Thank you Pat for getting the details of some of what is happening out to We The People. Wake up People!

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The ACLU is holding a town hall today on attacks on our civil liberties and what can be done. Here is the link. https://action.aclu.org/webform/trump-first-attacks-town-hall

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Thanks Pat!

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Thank you, Pat. Insane.

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Surely is

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This is simply horrific and clearly just one story out of thousands about America’s life-saving aid being shut off illegally and with immense cruelty. Thanks so much for sharing Anne’s story, Pat. We must all share such stories and then do what we can to take our country back.

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We do because it's going to be an enternity until 2028

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Things are even worse than I could have imagined. Thank you for passing this along.

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Honestly, how can Elon et al. sleep at night! Oh, wait, they're not humans. Breaks my heart.

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Thank you for sharing this, Pat. Devastating.

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It's the thoughtless idioticalness of it that's so alarming to me. Scary stuff.

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