You’d be surprised what a good time you can have when you least expect it—take it from one whose epitaph may someday read: “Reluctant Traveler: Had fun anyway!” Do follow doctor’s orders, Pat, but don’t listen to those who tell you the return isn’t worth the effort. It is—just not at the cost of your health.🤗
You’d be surprised what a good time you can have when you least expect it—take it from one whose epitaph may someday read: “Reluctant Traveler: Had fun anyway!” Do follow doctor’s orders, Pat, but don’t listen to those who tell you the return isn’t worth the effort. It is—just not at the cost of your health.🤗
Oh Ruth, that is the best epitaph I've heard in a long time! Words of wisdom
Relax! And know that your writing is much appreciated!
Thank you Vicki! That truly means a lot from you.
Enjoy that ocean view and sea air! Let it wash over you and bring you rest and peace of mind. Can you tell I am envious! :-)
What a smart woman you are (trying to be) Go for it.
My husband says I'm trying. Very trying
Everybody needs a break--and you deserve yours! Enjoy yourself, Pat. We'll still be here when you get back. ❤️
I hope so Susan! So far I've seen a huge dragonfly with the most beautiful iridescent wings! That's starting things off right.
Take care, Pat! xx
Love you!
Recharging your batteries, however hard it seems, is essential and often helps sharpen your thinking and writing skills in the long run!
I truly hope so, Amie
Enjoy your time off, Pat, and take care of yourself. 💕❤️💕
Yes ma'am!