
Well, that settles it, we'll just have to meet up and share resources. But, yeah, my books...my husband said he'd bring a very thick book because who knows how long the time will be! I'm with him but he'd have to carry mine

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You're more pragmatic than me. I'd be worrying about my historic cookbook collection! But know I'd have to leave it (and my violins) behind. I'd probably grab my laptop (it has my book on it!), dog food, and whatever food we could eat cold. Maybe my electric tea kettle, two travel mugs, and some tea bags. If I could find electricity (worst case scenario there's a 3 prong plug in my car) and some water, we could always have a hot beverage. I'd probably also bring my two beloved expensive kitchen knives and my husband would bring our first aid kit, water bottles, hiking packs, and survival stuff like fire starting kit and emergency blankets. He's always more prepared than me.

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