Cutting cakes and pies for a community event, Pie Town, New Mexico, October 1940. Photo credit: Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration.

Why subscribe to America Eats? (Other than it’s informative and fun)

American food is a restless cuisine. In comparison to the rest of the world, our cooking is so young, so diverse in style, ingredients, and customs, and, as a nation of immigrants, forever changing. This is what my newsletter explores, following the threads that bind my four books together.

America Eats! tells great stories about our food and how it informs our lives, explored through an historical and personal perspective. Recent stories investigated the legacy of an 18th century Florida sugar cane plantation; an apple pie insomnia cure; and a medieval nun’s hemp cookie recipe for those wobbly mental health days. I’ve been traveling around on as little gas as possible to county fairs, church suppers, pie socials, and harvest celebrations that have always played an important role in the development of American regional and national cooking. A little too often I take a wrong turn and become lost but it usually leads me to discover something that shows how we live today.

One caveat to all of this that has to do with recipes—you won’t find many in America Eats! I’m a fine cook but not a recipe writer and wouldn’t dare to claim otherwise especially since you’ll find a ton of great recipes at many other sites from people who have a strong professional background. I do like historical recipes, though, so you’ll probably get a slew of them.

The week’s major story arrives every Tuesday usually in time for a good breakfast read. Occasionally you will find the Saturday News Digest in your mail that’s filled with interesting and odd tidbits everyone needs to know to impress their family and friends.

So come join America Eats!. I promise you it will be fun, interesting, and thoughtfully delicious.


Something annoying to tell you

Every week’s edition of the newsletter will appear in your inbox but not necessarily in your primary folder. If you don’t see it there then it has landed in your promotion or spam folders. If you still don’t see it, email me directly and I’ll help figure out what’s going on. I hear Substack is working on this bug because it is very annoying to subscribers and writers alike.

Subscribe to America Eats!

A strangely great newsletter for everyone who is curious about American food, its culture and history, and the delights of cooking in our everyday life.


Grew up in Philadelphia. Live in Brooklyn. Written four books best described as memoir, culinary and social history, along with some pretty good recipes.