
Thanksgiving Cooking With the Willards!

Fun with pork belly!

My oldest son Sam and I are in the kitchen preparing Thanksgiving dinner. Or he is—stuffed pork belly. I’ve written a great deal about how much his father hates turkey so every year we have to come up with something we can all be happy to eat. While Sam is tending to that huge slab, I’m at the other end of the kitchen making apricot chutney to go with it. My youngest son is spending the holiday with his girlfriend’s family. We terribly miss him but we love her, so it’s ok. They’ll be here for Christmas.

Anyway, I took a series of videos of Sam getting this pork belly show together. Here goes:

After he stopped fooling around, Sam began to butterfly the thing.

Then he stuffed half of it with my famous stuffing (actually my mom’s) and half with this chorizo mixture.

And then he rolled it.

And now it’s ready for tomorrow.

Come back tomorrow to see how it all comes out!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone! There really is much to be grateful for.

Love ~ from us.

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